
The Anxious Anthropologist notices the minutiae of everyday life.  With an enquiring mind, explore the itsy bitsiness of everyday life.

As an anthropologist I’m obsessed with connectedness and with the idea that you can learn something really new, something deep in a way that you hadn’t considered before by closely looking at the ordinary – and sometimes extraordinary – events in our lives and the interconnectedness between things.

On this page you’ll find something mundane, but different, and always connected to everyday life. Sometimes life throws extraordinary things at us, like in my case but that will unfold. I’ve followed my own way, trained in health, undergone a trial by fire to become an anthropologist then did the usual and got a real job.

I hate going to work, but love being there.  I know just how to ignore people enough to give myself enough space to get on with what I need to do and leave them to get on with what they need to do.  Actually, I want a postdoc ASAP and if you can help please get in touch with me.  I’d be a fine hire.

Now I’m here and want to entertain and amuse you and get you thinking. Then I want you to offer me a job writing or teaching or researching or mentoring or just supporting me on the talk circuit.

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